Monday, November 2, 2015

Long time update

Well hello who ever is reading this. An update on my life since i last posted well a lot has happened. I have gotten my surgery that i was suppose to like a year or two ago my mom had to argue with the doctor on the phone. when he went into my shoulder and did surgery he thanked my mom for actually pushing it because he said if i didn't get that surgery, i would never have stepped on a mat again without getting hurt. i am not going to wrestle this high school year and idk if i will for off season. i am scared and worried. i feel like everyone is pushing me around me to. i really just want to have fun and just focus on jiu jitsu. there is really no need to wrestle at all anymore because i don't want to wrestle in college or anything. even if i wanted to go to Olympics or something like that it would just get in the way of college. i don't want to take time off from college to do something like that and fall behind or don't graduate the same time my class does. Olympics is just a once time thing but college is my career and its more important to me than any gold medal.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Self Determination Theory

I have a lot of self determination in my life or I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have in my sport. It takes a lot of self determination because you body might say it can't but you have to say to your self that you can do it and push through it. How I am going to use this in my project is actually show it in my project. I will show how much self determination you need and will power it takes to do what I do it. It isn't easy and a lot of people think it is.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

the interview

The interview wasn't a huge surprise because I have read it for second time so I kind of already had an idea that's what he was going for. To warn us are show us that its really possible.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sexuality in this World

So everyone knows me and my boyfriend are virgins! I know omg there still is a 16 and 17 year old that has been dating for over two years and still haven't had sex omg it's a rare species!!! Today I just found out everyone thinks Im weird for wanting to wait to have sex till after high school. I think by looking around these days and how many teenagers are getting pregnant just in my school alone, they should probably start thinking how I am. I don't want to be pregnant in high school so best way to prevent that is not having SEX omg I know I must be a genius. So supposibly it's gay for wanting to wait to have sex I don't know why because if you love and respect someone you want show them that and not just have sex right away and my boyfriend gets called gay all the time and I don't think its right. See I sex as something sacred and I'm not a Christian or catholic or some crazy religion that wants you to wait till marriage, I'm just looking towards my future. Anyways we are still growing and getting to know our bodies and I want to make sure I'm making the right choice to have sex and right now I'm not ready to have sex and I don't think anyone my age is. I think everyone feels like want to be mature so they have to have sex, which is not true people! My friends always tell how they wish they didn't do it with this guy or how horrible it was and how awkward it was, has anyone guessed it's because your not ready?!?! Why can't everyone stop trying to grow up so fast it's so insane how much girls wear make up to try to make them selfs look older. Me personally I wear some make up Im not going to lie but I don't wear a lot and most people can't even tell because I wear natural colors. I don't get girls these days they want respect from guys but have you seen some things that girls wear. Shorts now are like underwear, shirts aren't even shirts anymore its more like you get half a shirt for double the price, and girls wear thongs! I have seen like 13 year olds wear tongs personally I don't wear tongs because I don't want a sting up my ass to be truthful for you all. Ok and then girls wear tongs with spandex talk about trashy please. Then don't get me started on swim suits or bikinis. I like the old days were the bottom went past you hip line and the top cover the whole breast and came down onto ribs. Now days it's like a triangle for breast and a string for your hips and butt. It's so hard now days to find a swim for me to feel comfortable in and then still I always feel naked. I just wish girls would have a little more respect for them selfes. Girls also wanted to be treated the same and be know as smart but then turn around and act stupid In front of guys to get attention. People just drive me insane, feel welcome to leave comments :)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The cold stone truth

For everyone reading this is the truth my family is fucked up. I should probably start off with my biologic dad, well he left me when i was about two years old after my mom left after she caught him cheating. My mom side of the family told her to stay with him becuase he could provide for her and she refused. So my biological dad stoped paying for child suport and I havent seen him since then. On my biological dad side it is a line of drug additics and alcohol abuser and all of them are dead for all I know. On my mothers side its just crazy. My aunt dates rich guys marries them and then divorces them for their money, yeah thats surely something to be poud of, not really. Then my aunt always tries to get in fights with my mom saying like her kids are better or something stupid like that. This why I dont like my aunt around for the holiday becuase they are always ready to explode they are like a ticking time bomb you know it is going to explode you just have to try to guess when its going to be. If I say anything like I dont want her over or anything like that I am the bad guy trying to ruin everything which isn't true beause my mom is always grumpy after her sisiter leaves. On my "Step Dad" side its not much better. I call him just my dad because he has been the best father anyone could ever have. But on his family side I do hav a loving unle that just adores me and would do anything for me like get me my first car. My grandparents on the other hand aren't the best they have always treated me badly. I was never really invited to spend a night or spoiled because I was their only grandchild up until I was about eight years old. My first cousin, Bradley, was born. they told people that was their first grandchild they even said that infront of me like I wasnt even there. That instantly pissed my dad off and he said soething to him, but the ironic thing my grandpa was adopted by great grandfather. My great gradfather loved me and I just wished I had more time with him, he passed away when I was around six. He always wanted to see me and spoil me with cookies and jewlery he made because he was a jewlerist. When he died I was suppose to get everything, all the jewls and gold he had but grandparent got ride of the will and sold everthing that was suppose to be mine. Even till today I'm not the first they always just say I'm the oldest. Anyone out there feel free to comment like or whatever.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Masterpiece progress

Well today was a slow day. I worked on figuring out how I wanted to put my message out. I want to show how hard it is to what I do. I think I should start off with an opening question: Fighting is easy right? Or is it? It kind of bring people in I think. Fighting can be anything from wrestling to jiu jitsu or kick boxing, etc. Then I would go off  saying: I interview a few people in my gym that does differnt style of fighting and got their input on what they think. I also kind of want to do a science part on how hard Someome can kick, punches and how much damaged it can cause. Also with how much pressure it takes to choke someone out. Many people do know a lot about fighting and my mission is to bring this info to people.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Today was not my day

OK well first off I had like zero sleep. So I got a tea with caffeine and then my boy friend dropped it and shatter every where because it was glass, ugh you got be kidding me. Then I had to organize papers today and then this guy came along hit them and they went evey where. The guy doesn't even help or even say sorry!! What is wrong with people today! No manners I just wanted scream and curse and sock him in the face for being suck a jerk. Things were doing good until 7th period. 7th period was doing pretty good until  someone made phone call because wanted to wish his sister happy birthday and I think she is another state or something. This this girl idk her name but she has red hair and supposible doing cosmetics for her masterpiece. But she was doing her make up!!! Um OK ik its doing make up but shouldn't she being looking up the science behind it? Its a lot more than just putting on make up on you and your friends. You have to learn what colors work with what color eye and skin. She started giving me crap and shes like I always do my work which isn't true and I just got so mad because I do my work and I try hard and its not fair.

master piece questions

Questions I am going to ask people I'm going to interview.
1. When did you start training?
2. What type of martial arts do you do?
3. Do you like to compete?
4. How often do you compete?
5. How much would you like to compete?
6. How do you get ready for competition? Do you increase working out? Do you do anything extra?
7. How do you feel the day before competition?
8. What's your favorite thing to train?
9. What weight class are you?
10. Do u compete at professional level? If not do you want to?
11. Where do you see your self in 5 years of competition?
12.  How many hours do you work out a week?
12. What do u do besides practice in your sport? Weight lifting, cardio,etc.
13. What are you eating habits?
14. Would you want your children to do this?
15. How were you introduced into the sport?
16. Do you have a game plan when you go out and compete?
17. How much dedication do you think it takes to do what you do?
18. Did you think it was going to be as hard as it is when you first started?
19. Do you cut weight?
20. How hard is it for you to cut weight?
21. Is there anything you would tell someone to inspire them when they are starting off?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

brave new world

1. Being alone is a bad thing because there is silence and it makes you recognize your inner thoughts and makes you think about bad things.
2. Lenina and Benards first date was flying over the water. The moon is by its self and symbols individual and the ocean is empty and no one is there.
3. Freedom is being able to an individual and being away from the crowd. He says this because in there society they aren't free they always get told what to do and what's right.
4. The date ends with benard and Lenina hooking up.
5. Infantile in the society is the hole society has been taught to do this or act like this since they were younger.
6. The director dosent like Benard because how he is acting. He's warning him so he dosent have to send him away.
7. The directors story is important because it's like a warning sign of how powerful this place is.
9. The warden tells them that the reservation is how life used to be people are born naturally and there are family's.
10. Malpais means rough, barren land and have volcano lava and valcanoes.
1. Mesa is like a ship because the banks slant from one wall to another.
2. Lenina dosent like the Indian guide because she thinks that he is queer and gross.
3. The people are skinny and there is aging. People are wrinkly and mothers are breast feeding their babies. Lenina hates it all and thinks it's queer.
4. The ceremony they witnessed to bring rain. Lenina thinks horrible because they wipped the young man.
5. Eagle images and man on a cross emerge from the ground.
6. John savage is not really part of any type of society.
7. Linda was the young girl that got lost on the trip with the director. She isn't a member but they took her in and she want Lenina to take her back.
1. John was shunned from society but the leader like him and he was raised by Linda and got taught the books that his mom had.
2. Linda dosent want to be called a mother because she still thinks it's gross.
3.they are well known
4.john wants to be educated and happy.
5. Linda tells john all the good thinga about the other world and how its better
6. john expresses him self through Shakespeare.
7. To under stand time death and god is to understand life.
8.they are both different in the worlds they live in
9. Bernard wants to take john back for him self so he can make fun of the director that he is father and so he doesn't get sent Iceland.
1. He agrees because he thinks its a good idea.
2. John starts to have feeling for lenina when he watches her sleep.
1. They make an example of beanrd so everyone will keep in check.
2. unorthodox is worse than murder because its just a life of not fitting in and getting made fun of its like torture.
3. Linda is excited. The DHC is upset with her and the people make fun of her.

Friday, May 1, 2015

My cat

Well my cat got pregnant about two months ago and her babies are due any time now. Her belly is hard and you can feel the babies moving more. It's funny when she curles up because her belly sticks out a lot and it reminds of a pregnant women just how it is formed because it looks like she has a ball in her belly. When she stands up it just kinda looks like she is fat but she is not. All she does any more since she is pregnant is eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. She normally spends a lot of her time climbing trees and sometimes she even sleeps out side, idk why but she does. We have a baby gate up so the dogs will leave her alone or else they will case her every where. My dogs and cat are friends just since she is pregnant she is protecting the babies so she dosent like the bouncing or barking it scares her a lot. She's been more loving she always want her belly to be rubbed or her back. She used to only let me pet her because she was a snob that's my parents would call her. Right now all she is doing is sleeping and making biscuits in the air.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Me Myself and I

This weekend was pretty rough a year a two days now I hurt my shoulder at California state tournament. I wrestle again at same tournament this year and shoulder didn't feel right it just got hurt again and swelled. Before I even went to compete I got an MRI and the doctor said it came up clear,  nothing was wrong. But when I stepped on that u could tell there was something serious going on because I had no strength in arm. I was so determined to finish match because I wanted just to make it out of first round I had tears coming down my face in math because I was in so much pain. My coach kept asking if I wanted out I make 5 minutes and had kept it pretty much tied till the very end where I had no strength at all, absalutley none. My coach finally said you are done I can't watch it any more. He got me to trainer. I couldn't feel hand it hurt blue and I couldn't touch fingers with thumb or even close hand. The trainer got ice on it and test my shoulder again and I could barley feel his hand on fingers or parts of arm and my tingled. The trainer took me out and we headed home we would have went to hospital in Fresno but last time there was problems with getting stuff back to my doctor so went to Marian hospital. I waited over an hour just to see doctor and she got the report of my MRI and there was nothing clean about it. They said there was suspicion of a slap tear! So now I have to see an orthepetic surgeon because there is high possibility that I will have to get surgery. My family is not happy but it needs to be fix. I will be seeing doctor on Wednesday this week in Santa Barbra.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

modernest author

For my  modernest author i chose Henry James. I chose him because he seemed different becuase he came from a weathy family and had four brothers one of his brothers, William James, became a well known philospher and psychologist.  They were taught to think for them selves and they got taught by private tourtors. His first puplished work was a short story in the Atlantic Monthy. Henry as born in New york but traveled to Europe a lot but when was 21 he decided to stay in Europe and write.

Friday, April 17, 2015

brave new world

1. The children would play ball naxes with each other and childhood was training and conditioning them to have sex early.
2. Our world was imaged as emotions is bad and disgusting and it was just gross to have families and care for people.
3. Games must be so complex so people will want to buy the game.
4. Strong emotions are bad because people will start thinking and wondering and want to go against the leader if there is no emotions than there is no thought of hatred against the leader.
5. Sexuality is nothing it is just something people do and they do it a lot with a ton of different people. There is no emotion behind it and it just a casual thing that is done everyday.
6. Mustapha mond control history hes the one that knows everything and tells everyone else what they should know and shouldn't know.
7. Lenina and Barnard are different because they don't follow the usual path. Lenina dosent want to sleep around with a ton of guys only one. Barnard doesn't want to do sexual things he wants more.
8. He helps us understand the characters past and helps us understand how the brave new world works.
9. Soma is a drug used to eliminate emotions people might be feeling.
10. People age by wisdom not physically.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Brave new world

chapter 1:
1.The first sentence is strange because they make it seem that a 34 story high building is small and no big deal. They say it grey and sets of gloomy cold vibe.
2. "Community,identity, stability is in a shield which represent protection. With community and identity and stability you are protected or shielded.
3. It look so cold but ISO hit because they are producing babies with science and machines.
4. When simply only thinking one one thing people won't have to worry about anything else and won't be distracted.

5. People are placed into a certiain section of society when people are needed and when they are younger they get less oxygen the lower of society poll.
6.  Without the bokanvosky process all people would be able to think for them self and would want to be better than they are but with bokanvosky process each society rank think they are the best out ignorance.
7. The epsilons didn't need human intelligence because they matured and developed really quickly.

Chapter 2
1. Conditioning helps keep everyone in check and make sure people don't progress. They used conditioning on gammas, deltas, and epsilons. Hypnopaedia allows people to learn things in sleep when repeated.
2.deltas hate country but like sports because of the manufacturing production.
3. Idk
4.gamma are soft but district voice. Delta wear khaki don't want to mess with them. Epsilons are worse. Beta wears black. Alpha wears grey.
5. They demonstrate their condition on how they act.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

My first Car

My first car is a little 1993 Mazda Miata, it's a stick shift. I got it about a month ago and it has been just giving us problems but it was a free car my uncle got out of a deal. We had problems with battery, alternator, the belt, the top had a rip in it, the leather seats were old a cracking, the window does go down by it self, the emergency brake dosent work. Me and my dad has fixed almost everything besides seats, window and emergency brake. I had to clean my car and it was so gross there was dirty every where like no one has clean the car in a year. I can't really complain because it's a free car. I got a new top and have to get some seat covers for the car but the thing is you have to get special seat covers made for a Mazda Miata because the seats are weird. It looks good and nice but driving a stick shift isn't fun at all. I have never driven a stick shift a month ago it was so scary. My dad took me to Nipomo parking lot and we were there for about three hours and I stalled it out so much it wasn't even funny. I finally got the hang of it and that same night my dad allowed me to drive it home but it wasn't very far because I live in Nipomo. It was scary and now I'm driving it by my self it so crazy. I never thought in a month I would be driving my car by my self.

Friday, April 3, 2015


I have been thinking a lot of whats my whole plan for my project. Well I'm going to work with Gabe because I have hurt shoulder and I can't really do my own stuff on the mat like I would do. I am really into competing I personally think more than gabe but that doesn't matter. I love competing and seeing how good I am and what level I am at. I compete against good people and bad people that shouldn't even be on the mat with me. I want to interview different people in our gym and see when they first started how hard they thought it was going to be when they first started, jiu jitsu, muy thia or wrestling and how it felt after first practice and did it meet up to their expectations. I want to interview people and ask them how was their first competition and how they felt that day going into competition and how they thought they were going to do and what they actually did. Because my first wrestling tournament I got lifted and dripped on my head when I was seven, I personally wasn't think that was going to happen I didn't even think you could do that. After that experience my parents were like oh yeah I don't think she will want to wrestle after that but here I am now haha still wrestling or trying to wrestle. Last year its been hard really hard, I hurt my shoulder last year about this time right now at freestyle state. I did it to my self going against first year because she didn't know how to react to what I was doing so she freaked out got in some weird position and me being stubborn and not wanting to let go I end up getting hurt. Right then I thought my life was over I thought I broke my bone and I was going yo die. I didn't die and I didn't break bone but my doctor said I should have broke my collar bone but I have some hard bones but I just pulled all my ligaments in my shoulder so I had to wear sling for a long time then I had to go to physical therapy and had to gain my strenght back. Finally I did like eight months later I got to go back to practice. Wrestling season for high school comes around. I was so excited I was like yes!! I get to go back but I had to wait six weeks before I go back and compete because I switched schools. I was like OK its fine I will just be stronger. I get to compete after six weeks and I go to two duals and that's only girls local and I'm feeling good and confident my shoulder isn't bothering me at all. The day before my first tournemnt I wrestle with out heavy weight, it wasn't even her fault she knew I was smaller so she wasn't trying anything I go in for a shot and lift up her leg and I had shooting pain in my shoulder again. I tell my parents because they showed up to practice because I was leaving after and they wanted to say goodbye. They were like its OK it's fine you probably just tweaked it. I go compete tomorrow and I already feel weak I wrestle first match I win it but it was hard because my left shoulder was weak and I wrestle left handed. I get through first one and I go wrestle second one and I'm better than this girl and i know it I was just destroying her and then I'm getting ready to turn her to pin her and I have no strength in my left shoulder before i know it I'm on my belly and she has my shoulder pulled across body and I'm stubborn so I don't turn like a normal person would if they were in pain haha no I fight against it because I don't want to be pinned so I'm crying and still fighting and my coach wants me off mat and I finally give in and the referee stops it finally and my coach runs over there and asked me how much pain I was in I was like eight and he called the match took me into trainer and got ice on it three other times that day and I left went to doctor he didn't think it was anything hut sent me to physical therapy my physical thearipst said after like three weeks I wasn't progressing fast enough and thinks I need MRI and possible surgery

Sunday, March 22, 2015

police brutality fallacy

Argumentum ad ignorantiam
"Some people-especially white people make every attempt to diminish, derail, or completely avoid the issue at hand, to justify their inaction and avoid this harsh reality."
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc
" If the police told me to do something I'd just do it - that's why I'd still be alive."
Dicto simpliciter
"Not all police are bad"
Non Sequitur
"If you don't like police don't call them when you need help."
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
"These men were murdered because they were thugs." 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

There once was a boy and a girl they were young and still goofy. They were put together in there gym to be work out buddies. It was awkward because they didn't know each other but after a while it got less awkward but the girl never saw the boy again. Then one day the young girl checks out another gym and bumps in the boy again but she wasn't sure if it was him. She goes over there and asks if he remebers me from the other gym and he did. The boy turned three shades of pink because he's not used to girls coming up to him and taking to him. They work out together more and actually start talking and becoming good friends. The little girl being very confident was like give me your phone the boy was puzzled but gave it to her any ways and she said there is my number. The little boy just stood there quietly in shock. As they knew each other their heart grew closer together. Sooner or later they liked each other but couldn't admit it to each other because either one them were afraid of the other turning them down. Then one day when they were running together the girl stocks to fake tie her shoe. The boy being a gentleman stopped to make sure she was ok the girl pops up surprises the boy with a kiss and runs off. As the girl runs off the boy is still in shock in La La land then when he finally wakes up he runs after her. They don't talk about because they were both shy until the next day. Now they both knew and when ever they looked at each other they kept on blushing. They didn't know it then but they were going to fall in love with each other

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day before and day of competing

The day before competing and the day of I'm a totally different person some people believe I get possesed or something but trust me I don't. The day before is especially bad when I'm cutting weight or maintaining because I'm so mad because I drink less and eat less and I normally eat A LOT NO JOKE! So I'm just really quite and I don't like to get messed most people that know me don't even say a word to my unless its super important because I get really blunt and just say what ever I'm thinking no joke someone could be like what was answer for number two I would say why can't u figure it out your self and stop asking me for all the answer and give them the stink eye but I'm normally not like that. The Day of competion I get up make sure I'm on weight with big huge lion hair in hotel. Then when I know I'm on weight it's like a retuin no one talks to me and wash face brush teeth get some sweat pants and t shirt on put on shoes jump in car and go. Then I go weigh in officially for tournament then I get to eat. I'm happy for about the time I'm eating. Then I'm in serious mode I but on what ever I'm going to wear it depends if I'm doing jujitsu, mma or wrestling but I always wear same everything its just kind of my thing I do. I go on to the mat and warm up and stretch. After that come the nervous part. I don't know why I get so nervous but I just do you would think for how long I have been competiting I wouldn't get nervous so bad but I do. But when I step on that matt everything goes away It just feels right and awesome and all of nervousness just goes away and I'm ready to go kick some butt. Something I have to do is make my self hate the person I'm going against I have to hate them so much I want to break their bones and then I go beat people.

For my project

I hopefully I can work with Gabe Caro and what we are thinking about doing together is like a fighting video/ talk. We were brain storming and came up with some things to talk about such as: training, dedication, mental strength, preparing for competition, weight loss, day before competing,loosing and maybe interview some other people that fight and compete to get their view on the fighting world. Its very interesting to see how people get ready and how they feel or anything because I know just between me and Gabe we are totally different getting ready for competitom.

Monday, March 2, 2015

jiro means to me

Jiro is a very motivated guy that has a passion for sushi. He wants to make the best sushi ever. Everyone can learn from Jurio because he is so passionate about what he does. Everyone need to find that passion. The thing is that he doesn't care just about him self he wants his kids to be great too. One he kicked out and told him to starts his own restaurant and one still works under him and is really hard on him and watches over him. Jiro sushi is his art and he wants every single this to perfect and he always checks everything to make sure everything is right. Fighting, wrestling, jiu jitsu is my passion and I want everything to perfect and I will never stop loving loving my sport and always thrive to become better.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Jirso seem like a very strict because he kicked one of his sons out of restaurant and told him to start his own restaurant. He has another one that really keeps an eye on. He seems like a very good sushi chef and seems to really have a great passion for what he does and takes great pride into what he does and everything has to be perfect. I feel the same passion as he does into my mix martial arts I want everything to be perfect.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lucid Dreaming

First I should explain what lucid dreaming is lucid dreaming is when you are able to control your dreams. One technique is to train your brain memorize your dream by writing all your dreams right when you wake up because its no point to lucid dream if you cant remember it. Next you need to ask your self if your dreaming look at a clock and look away and look back if it is as dream it will change or blur, pint your nose around your body to make sure your not dreams. Then before u fall asleep tell your self I will be aware that I'm a sleep its a trigger. After you need to be able to recognize that your in your dream by reading your journal. What will help is light alarm its easier to realize if your in dream or not. But it can put you in coma if you can't realize the difference between reality and your dreams so be careful.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Physical Thearpy

I have to go to physical therapy for the second time on my left shoulder. When I am there they put a heat pad on my shoulder and then make me go on this arm bike for five minutes backward it is really weird. I then start these three band work out I have to do 30 times each. After I finish that band work I have to take this like double blade sword thing which is very fun to play with and hold it in the middle behind my back. I have to stick my but out and be shoulder length apart and shake this thing behind my back for like 45 second for three times, which in fact really sucks and hurts. Then I lay on a tall bed thing and pull a band which hurts. After all that pain I get to lay on a massage table thing with my feet up on a pad a wait for the physical therapist to rub my shoulder out. Then I'm still not done they make me sit on a chair and hook up tense machine on me and puts ice on me which makes no sense because and electrical pulse going to my arm and water from the ice is scary because one time it socked me!

Febuary 20,2015

In class I wrote my journal that I missed and the one for the day and then I went over book and started to plan for the project I was going to do with Gabe. after class I went to go work out and then started on my project with Gabe. I called him so we could work on it together so it really could be done together and not me do all the work. We talked about each chapter and thought of what was important and wrote it on each slide in no time we were done about 9 o'clock.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm here

I have finished the book and now I'm thinking of the final project thing and I was thinking about doing some fight club thing with my gabe where we shoot a video of past competing for entry and then have short parts of what it takes to be a fighter. How hard it is physically and mentally. The cardio part and the training part and the funniest part sparing or rolling. When your fighting you need to think of everything and be ready for everything. Its not always easy but its worth it if you want to do it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chapter 14-15

In chapter fourteen and fifteen Holden starts thinking about when he didn't allow his beother to come with him and his friend, bobby and he wishes that he would have allowed to go with him now. Arthur child's was a guy that never saw eye to eye with Holden and told he was wrong for just liking Jesus and nothing else in the Bible. Someone nocks on Holden's door and it was Marcie the guy from the elevator saying that he owed them fiver dollar and Holden was saying no you said only five and they go back and forth for a while. The girl took the five from Holden wallet and told him to go because she had the money. Marcie got in Holden's face and Holden called him a dirty moron and Marice smacked and punched Holden in stomach. Holden fell to the ground and just laid there for a while and acted like he was dying and crawled to the bathroom and had fantasy that he got shot and that he was bleeding and he went down stairs with his gun and shot him and killed him and then called Jane and left just like movies. He woke up next day around ten and he gave old Sally a call no asked her if just wanted to go to a Benifit and she did so they were going to meet at Biltmore at two. Holden took stairs down to lobby checked out and got into cab to go to grand centeral station where he went to cafe to have breakfast. He goes in there sits down and two nuns come and sit down with him. He starts conversation and finds out one is english teacher and other is history. He donated ten dollars and wanted to pay there breakfast but they only excepted the ten dollars and he was so amazed how caring and selfless they are.

Chapter 12-13

In chapter twelve and thirteen Holden goes to a night club called Ernie's where he used to go a lot. Right when he walks in he coplain how everyone gets over excited about him playing when he is just big phony. He didn't want to be alone so he listened to other people's conversation and calls them boring and he runs in Lillian which used to Hang out with his brother DB. She has her boy frind that a navy officer named commander blop or something she was going to sit down and asked Holden if he wanted to go but he lied and said he was just leaving. He walked 41 blocks back to the hotel because he diddnt want to get into another cab and he put on his red hunting hat. Holden says he is yellow but he uses it like he is a coward because when he should do something he dosen't but then says maybe he isn't yellow as if he isn't sure. He says he is lousy and depressed and really bring him self down. Holden finally get to hotel and he gets into hotel and the elevator guy is wondering if he wants a girl 5 dollars for an hour and 15 dollars for three hours. Holden lies about his age and says he is 22 and the guy said ok there will be a girl up there in 15 minutes. He gets to his room and he is nervous because he's a virgin and he tries to give him self a pep talk but it doesn't really work. The girl comes in and she took of her coat and sat in the chair with legs crossed bouncing foot up and down. She took off her green dress and Holden hung it up for her and he felt bad and he just wanted to talk but she didn't so he gave her the five dollar but she said she was worth ten and then she just left.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cather in the Rye Chapters 10-11

In chapters ten and eleven Holden doesn't want to go to bed because he isn't tiered so goes down to the Lavender Room in the hotel. Before he goes he talks about his kid sister, Phoebe and he talks about how pretty and smart she is and how he is the only dumb one out of the family. She is only ten years old and she has long red hair during winter and short red hair during the summer time. Her favorite movie was The 39 steps and he has taken her to go see it ten times and how Allie and him self would take her to the park and she would listen to every conversation and but in to make sure that you knew she was around. Holden finally went down to the Lavender Room and there were three girls all of them were ugly besides the blond one which danced with him first and then after Holden danced with all the girls. The blond was named Bernice and the other two were Marty and Laverne and they were from Washington. He finally leaves and all he could think  was Jane and how close they got together in that one summer. Holdens monther never liked Jane and he only got close one to kissing her on the lips. They were playing checkers and her mothers boyfriend came along and she just started crying so Holden held her and started hissing her every where and they just got up and went into house got her coat and she wanted to go to the movies. He finally stopped thinking about Jane and got into a can and went Ernie's night club.

Catcher in the Rye chapters 8-9

In chapters eight and nine Holden takes a cab to the train station. He then talks about how he usually buys phony magazines but this time he dosent because he sad. A lady gets on train too and sits next to him even though there were tons of empty seats because they were the only two on the train. He says that she is a nice lady and has a good telephone voice and she sees the sticker that says Pence college on his suite case and she asked Holden if he went to that school because her boy did. He said yes and lied about his name he said he was Rudolf Schmidt, that was the janitors name.  Her sons name was Ernest Morrow  and Holden wasn't very fond of him but he lied to Mrs. Morrow any ways saying how popular he was and how everyone liked him. Then she asked why is he going home so early and if something was wrong and of course Holden lies again and  says that its nothing serious he just has a small tumor in his head and she says she wishes him the best of luck and that he should come to her house and hang out. He finally got off at the Penn station and he wanted to call someone but he couldn't figure out anyone to call and he went throght this long list of people and finally decided not to call anyone. So he leaves and gets into a cab and goes to the Edmont Hotel. The bell boy was an old ball mad which was around 65 and he finally gets to room and he looks out and there is a lot of wierdos doing nasty things. He ends up calling this burlesque dancer that he got her number from some guy at a party, Eddie. She couldn't get a drink with him that night so he said he couldn't go any other time so that was a dead end for him.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Catcher in the Rye Chapters 6-7

In Chapters six and seven Stradlater and Holden faught. Strad later came back into room after date with Jane and didn't say anything about her, he was talking about everything but her which really earitated Holden and started calling Stradlater a moron and Strad later started getting really mad and kept on warning him to stop and Holden hit stradlater. Next thing Holden knew was he was on the floor with Stradlaters knee on his chest. Strad later let him up after a little while and then Holden kept on calling him a moron and stradlater got knocked out and was on the floor again. Holden woke up and Strad later was standing over him. Holden leaves and goes in to Ackley's room. He was all bloody still and Ackley is upset because he has mass in the morning and he got woken up by there fight. Ackley kept on asking Holden was fight about and he didn't want to talk about it. Then Holden was like he disrespected you and I was defending your honor and Ackley got all excited and Holden told him he was joking. Holden asked Ackley if he could stay on his roommates bed and Ackley finally gave in and he told him he couldn't sleep there. Holden lays down and all he could think about was Jane and Stradlater in the car and how he didn't give her the time of day and then he finally left. He decided that he was going to leave the school go to hotel and stay there till like Wednesday till his parents got note and had time to settle down and go back home. He packed his stuff and left.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Catcher in the Rye Chapter 1-2

  In the first two chapter Holden talks about all the rich kids at the school. It how there crooks and that its cold at his school. He talks about his brother,DB, which is this hollywood producer that he calls a prostitute. I think he calls him a prostitute because he is easy and that gives in to what people want and not what he wants. Holden in the story is never committed to one thing, he is always second guessing him self. He also doesn't like phonies or weakness

The Cather in the Rye Chapter 5

 In chapter five you get to see Holdens soft side and that he cares about others. Holden doesn't like Ackley in earlier chapters but he has sympathy for him. Holden invites Ackley so come along with Mal and him self to Agerstown because Ackley never goes out on Saturday night. Holden talks about his brother Allie which is this very intelligent and nice red head guy. He used to write poems on his glove so he could read them while he was out on the baseball field. He remembers his brother being there for him when he first tee off in golf. Golden got really upset when his brother died of leukemia in 1946 that he broke all the windows. He had to write composition for Stradlater and he wrote about his brother golf and he didn't really want to do but he couldn't find anything else to write about.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cather in the Rye Chapters 3-4

 In chapters three and four Holden is kind of represented as not a big religious person. He talks about people putting all their faith into god are phonies. Holden really likes reading book andyhe books he reads reflects onto his life and he really liked reading war books. He describes Ackley as this nasty guy that never brushes his teeth eith very bad hygiene and very nosy. When Ackley is described its creats thing feeling of hatred and tone of despising him. Stradlater is the ladies man that is into himself and Holden says he would spend hours looking at him self in the mirror. Holden looks up to him like Stradlater is a god or rolemodel. Stradlater went on a date with someone that Holden likes he name was Jane. On the outside of Holden he is happy for Stradlater but I think on the inside I think he wants it fail. I think this because when stradlater spaces off in his chair and he is nervous about date.