Saturday, May 9, 2015

The cold stone truth

For everyone reading this is the truth my family is fucked up. I should probably start off with my biologic dad, well he left me when i was about two years old after my mom left after she caught him cheating. My mom side of the family told her to stay with him becuase he could provide for her and she refused. So my biological dad stoped paying for child suport and I havent seen him since then. On my biological dad side it is a line of drug additics and alcohol abuser and all of them are dead for all I know. On my mothers side its just crazy. My aunt dates rich guys marries them and then divorces them for their money, yeah thats surely something to be poud of, not really. Then my aunt always tries to get in fights with my mom saying like her kids are better or something stupid like that. This why I dont like my aunt around for the holiday becuase they are always ready to explode they are like a ticking time bomb you know it is going to explode you just have to try to guess when its going to be. If I say anything like I dont want her over or anything like that I am the bad guy trying to ruin everything which isn't true beause my mom is always grumpy after her sisiter leaves. On my "Step Dad" side its not much better. I call him just my dad because he has been the best father anyone could ever have. But on his family side I do hav a loving unle that just adores me and would do anything for me like get me my first car. My grandparents on the other hand aren't the best they have always treated me badly. I was never really invited to spend a night or spoiled because I was their only grandchild up until I was about eight years old. My first cousin, Bradley, was born. they told people that was their first grandchild they even said that infront of me like I wasnt even there. That instantly pissed my dad off and he said soething to him, but the ironic thing my grandpa was adopted by great grandfather. My great gradfather loved me and I just wished I had more time with him, he passed away when I was around six. He always wanted to see me and spoil me with cookies and jewlery he made because he was a jewlerist. When he died I was suppose to get everything, all the jewls and gold he had but grandparent got ride of the will and sold everthing that was suppose to be mine. Even till today I'm not the first they always just say I'm the oldest. Anyone out there feel free to comment like or whatever.

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