Friday, May 1, 2015

My cat

Well my cat got pregnant about two months ago and her babies are due any time now. Her belly is hard and you can feel the babies moving more. It's funny when she curles up because her belly sticks out a lot and it reminds of a pregnant women just how it is formed because it looks like she has a ball in her belly. When she stands up it just kinda looks like she is fat but she is not. All she does any more since she is pregnant is eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. She normally spends a lot of her time climbing trees and sometimes she even sleeps out side, idk why but she does. We have a baby gate up so the dogs will leave her alone or else they will case her every where. My dogs and cat are friends just since she is pregnant she is protecting the babies so she dosent like the bouncing or barking it scares her a lot. She's been more loving she always want her belly to be rubbed or her back. She used to only let me pet her because she was a snob that's my parents would call her. Right now all she is doing is sleeping and making biscuits in the air.

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