Friday, February 20, 2015

Physical Thearpy

I have to go to physical therapy for the second time on my left shoulder. When I am there they put a heat pad on my shoulder and then make me go on this arm bike for five minutes backward it is really weird. I then start these three band work out I have to do 30 times each. After I finish that band work I have to take this like double blade sword thing which is very fun to play with and hold it in the middle behind my back. I have to stick my but out and be shoulder length apart and shake this thing behind my back for like 45 second for three times, which in fact really sucks and hurts. Then I lay on a tall bed thing and pull a band which hurts. After all that pain I get to lay on a massage table thing with my feet up on a pad a wait for the physical therapist to rub my shoulder out. Then I'm still not done they make me sit on a chair and hook up tense machine on me and puts ice on me which makes no sense because and electrical pulse going to my arm and water from the ice is scary because one time it socked me!

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