Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lucid Dreaming

First I should explain what lucid dreaming is lucid dreaming is when you are able to control your dreams. One technique is to train your brain memorize your dream by writing all your dreams right when you wake up because its no point to lucid dream if you cant remember it. Next you need to ask your self if your dreaming look at a clock and look away and look back if it is as dream it will change or blur, pint your nose around your body to make sure your not dreams. Then before u fall asleep tell your self I will be aware that I'm a sleep its a trigger. After you need to be able to recognize that your in your dream by reading your journal. What will help is light alarm its easier to realize if your in dream or not. But it can put you in coma if you can't realize the difference between reality and your dreams so be careful.

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