Thursday, January 29, 2015

Catcher in the Rye Chapters 6-7

In Chapters six and seven Stradlater and Holden faught. Strad later came back into room after date with Jane and didn't say anything about her, he was talking about everything but her which really earitated Holden and started calling Stradlater a moron and Strad later started getting really mad and kept on warning him to stop and Holden hit stradlater. Next thing Holden knew was he was on the floor with Stradlaters knee on his chest. Strad later let him up after a little while and then Holden kept on calling him a moron and stradlater got knocked out and was on the floor again. Holden woke up and Strad later was standing over him. Holden leaves and goes in to Ackley's room. He was all bloody still and Ackley is upset because he has mass in the morning and he got woken up by there fight. Ackley kept on asking Holden was fight about and he didn't want to talk about it. Then Holden was like he disrespected you and I was defending your honor and Ackley got all excited and Holden told him he was joking. Holden asked Ackley if he could stay on his roommates bed and Ackley finally gave in and he told him he couldn't sleep there. Holden lays down and all he could think about was Jane and Stradlater in the car and how he didn't give her the time of day and then he finally left. He decided that he was going to leave the school go to hotel and stay there till like Wednesday till his parents got note and had time to settle down and go back home. He packed his stuff and left.

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