Monday, January 26, 2015

Cather in the Rye Chapters 3-4

 In chapters three and four Holden is kind of represented as not a big religious person. He talks about people putting all their faith into god are phonies. Holden really likes reading book andyhe books he reads reflects onto his life and he really liked reading war books. He describes Ackley as this nasty guy that never brushes his teeth eith very bad hygiene and very nosy. When Ackley is described its creats thing feeling of hatred and tone of despising him. Stradlater is the ladies man that is into himself and Holden says he would spend hours looking at him self in the mirror. Holden looks up to him like Stradlater is a god or rolemodel. Stradlater went on a date with someone that Holden likes he name was Jane. On the outside of Holden he is happy for Stradlater but I think on the inside I think he wants it fail. I think this because when stradlater spaces off in his chair and he is nervous about date.

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