Sunday, March 22, 2015

police brutality fallacy

Argumentum ad ignorantiam
"Some people-especially white people make every attempt to diminish, derail, or completely avoid the issue at hand, to justify their inaction and avoid this harsh reality."
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc
" If the police told me to do something I'd just do it - that's why I'd still be alive."
Dicto simpliciter
"Not all police are bad"
Non Sequitur
"If you don't like police don't call them when you need help."
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
"These men were murdered because they were thugs." 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

There once was a boy and a girl they were young and still goofy. They were put together in there gym to be work out buddies. It was awkward because they didn't know each other but after a while it got less awkward but the girl never saw the boy again. Then one day the young girl checks out another gym and bumps in the boy again but she wasn't sure if it was him. She goes over there and asks if he remebers me from the other gym and he did. The boy turned three shades of pink because he's not used to girls coming up to him and taking to him. They work out together more and actually start talking and becoming good friends. The little girl being very confident was like give me your phone the boy was puzzled but gave it to her any ways and she said there is my number. The little boy just stood there quietly in shock. As they knew each other their heart grew closer together. Sooner or later they liked each other but couldn't admit it to each other because either one them were afraid of the other turning them down. Then one day when they were running together the girl stocks to fake tie her shoe. The boy being a gentleman stopped to make sure she was ok the girl pops up surprises the boy with a kiss and runs off. As the girl runs off the boy is still in shock in La La land then when he finally wakes up he runs after her. They don't talk about because they were both shy until the next day. Now they both knew and when ever they looked at each other they kept on blushing. They didn't know it then but they were going to fall in love with each other

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day before and day of competing

The day before competing and the day of I'm a totally different person some people believe I get possesed or something but trust me I don't. The day before is especially bad when I'm cutting weight or maintaining because I'm so mad because I drink less and eat less and I normally eat A LOT NO JOKE! So I'm just really quite and I don't like to get messed most people that know me don't even say a word to my unless its super important because I get really blunt and just say what ever I'm thinking no joke someone could be like what was answer for number two I would say why can't u figure it out your self and stop asking me for all the answer and give them the stink eye but I'm normally not like that. The Day of competion I get up make sure I'm on weight with big huge lion hair in hotel. Then when I know I'm on weight it's like a retuin no one talks to me and wash face brush teeth get some sweat pants and t shirt on put on shoes jump in car and go. Then I go weigh in officially for tournament then I get to eat. I'm happy for about the time I'm eating. Then I'm in serious mode I but on what ever I'm going to wear it depends if I'm doing jujitsu, mma or wrestling but I always wear same everything its just kind of my thing I do. I go on to the mat and warm up and stretch. After that come the nervous part. I don't know why I get so nervous but I just do you would think for how long I have been competiting I wouldn't get nervous so bad but I do. But when I step on that matt everything goes away It just feels right and awesome and all of nervousness just goes away and I'm ready to go kick some butt. Something I have to do is make my self hate the person I'm going against I have to hate them so much I want to break their bones and then I go beat people.

For my project

I hopefully I can work with Gabe Caro and what we are thinking about doing together is like a fighting video/ talk. We were brain storming and came up with some things to talk about such as: training, dedication, mental strength, preparing for competition, weight loss, day before competing,loosing and maybe interview some other people that fight and compete to get their view on the fighting world. Its very interesting to see how people get ready and how they feel or anything because I know just between me and Gabe we are totally different getting ready for competitom.

Monday, March 2, 2015

jiro means to me

Jiro is a very motivated guy that has a passion for sushi. He wants to make the best sushi ever. Everyone can learn from Jurio because he is so passionate about what he does. Everyone need to find that passion. The thing is that he doesn't care just about him self he wants his kids to be great too. One he kicked out and told him to starts his own restaurant and one still works under him and is really hard on him and watches over him. Jiro sushi is his art and he wants every single this to perfect and he always checks everything to make sure everything is right. Fighting, wrestling, jiu jitsu is my passion and I want everything to perfect and I will never stop loving loving my sport and always thrive to become better.