Friday, April 3, 2015


I have been thinking a lot of whats my whole plan for my project. Well I'm going to work with Gabe because I have hurt shoulder and I can't really do my own stuff on the mat like I would do. I am really into competing I personally think more than gabe but that doesn't matter. I love competing and seeing how good I am and what level I am at. I compete against good people and bad people that shouldn't even be on the mat with me. I want to interview different people in our gym and see when they first started how hard they thought it was going to be when they first started, jiu jitsu, muy thia or wrestling and how it felt after first practice and did it meet up to their expectations. I want to interview people and ask them how was their first competition and how they felt that day going into competition and how they thought they were going to do and what they actually did. Because my first wrestling tournament I got lifted and dripped on my head when I was seven, I personally wasn't think that was going to happen I didn't even think you could do that. After that experience my parents were like oh yeah I don't think she will want to wrestle after that but here I am now haha still wrestling or trying to wrestle. Last year its been hard really hard, I hurt my shoulder last year about this time right now at freestyle state. I did it to my self going against first year because she didn't know how to react to what I was doing so she freaked out got in some weird position and me being stubborn and not wanting to let go I end up getting hurt. Right then I thought my life was over I thought I broke my bone and I was going yo die. I didn't die and I didn't break bone but my doctor said I should have broke my collar bone but I have some hard bones but I just pulled all my ligaments in my shoulder so I had to wear sling for a long time then I had to go to physical therapy and had to gain my strenght back. Finally I did like eight months later I got to go back to practice. Wrestling season for high school comes around. I was so excited I was like yes!! I get to go back but I had to wait six weeks before I go back and compete because I switched schools. I was like OK its fine I will just be stronger. I get to compete after six weeks and I go to two duals and that's only girls local and I'm feeling good and confident my shoulder isn't bothering me at all. The day before my first tournemnt I wrestle with out heavy weight, it wasn't even her fault she knew I was smaller so she wasn't trying anything I go in for a shot and lift up her leg and I had shooting pain in my shoulder again. I tell my parents because they showed up to practice because I was leaving after and they wanted to say goodbye. They were like its OK it's fine you probably just tweaked it. I go compete tomorrow and I already feel weak I wrestle first match I win it but it was hard because my left shoulder was weak and I wrestle left handed. I get through first one and I go wrestle second one and I'm better than this girl and i know it I was just destroying her and then I'm getting ready to turn her to pin her and I have no strength in my left shoulder before i know it I'm on my belly and she has my shoulder pulled across body and I'm stubborn so I don't turn like a normal person would if they were in pain haha no I fight against it because I don't want to be pinned so I'm crying and still fighting and my coach wants me off mat and I finally give in and the referee stops it finally and my coach runs over there and asked me how much pain I was in I was like eight and he called the match took me into trainer and got ice on it three other times that day and I left went to doctor he didn't think it was anything hut sent me to physical therapy my physical thearipst said after like three weeks I wasn't progressing fast enough and thinks I need MRI and possible surgery

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