Thursday, February 26, 2015


Jirso seem like a very strict because he kicked one of his sons out of restaurant and told him to start his own restaurant. He has another one that really keeps an eye on. He seems like a very good sushi chef and seems to really have a great passion for what he does and takes great pride into what he does and everything has to be perfect. I feel the same passion as he does into my mix martial arts I want everything to be perfect.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lucid Dreaming

First I should explain what lucid dreaming is lucid dreaming is when you are able to control your dreams. One technique is to train your brain memorize your dream by writing all your dreams right when you wake up because its no point to lucid dream if you cant remember it. Next you need to ask your self if your dreaming look at a clock and look away and look back if it is as dream it will change or blur, pint your nose around your body to make sure your not dreams. Then before u fall asleep tell your self I will be aware that I'm a sleep its a trigger. After you need to be able to recognize that your in your dream by reading your journal. What will help is light alarm its easier to realize if your in dream or not. But it can put you in coma if you can't realize the difference between reality and your dreams so be careful.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Physical Thearpy

I have to go to physical therapy for the second time on my left shoulder. When I am there they put a heat pad on my shoulder and then make me go on this arm bike for five minutes backward it is really weird. I then start these three band work out I have to do 30 times each. After I finish that band work I have to take this like double blade sword thing which is very fun to play with and hold it in the middle behind my back. I have to stick my but out and be shoulder length apart and shake this thing behind my back for like 45 second for three times, which in fact really sucks and hurts. Then I lay on a tall bed thing and pull a band which hurts. After all that pain I get to lay on a massage table thing with my feet up on a pad a wait for the physical therapist to rub my shoulder out. Then I'm still not done they make me sit on a chair and hook up tense machine on me and puts ice on me which makes no sense because and electrical pulse going to my arm and water from the ice is scary because one time it socked me!

Febuary 20,2015

In class I wrote my journal that I missed and the one for the day and then I went over book and started to plan for the project I was going to do with Gabe. after class I went to go work out and then started on my project with Gabe. I called him so we could work on it together so it really could be done together and not me do all the work. We talked about each chapter and thought of what was important and wrote it on each slide in no time we were done about 9 o'clock.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm here

I have finished the book and now I'm thinking of the final project thing and I was thinking about doing some fight club thing with my gabe where we shoot a video of past competing for entry and then have short parts of what it takes to be a fighter. How hard it is physically and mentally. The cardio part and the training part and the funniest part sparing or rolling. When your fighting you need to think of everything and be ready for everything. Its not always easy but its worth it if you want to do it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chapter 14-15

In chapter fourteen and fifteen Holden starts thinking about when he didn't allow his beother to come with him and his friend, bobby and he wishes that he would have allowed to go with him now. Arthur child's was a guy that never saw eye to eye with Holden and told he was wrong for just liking Jesus and nothing else in the Bible. Someone nocks on Holden's door and it was Marcie the guy from the elevator saying that he owed them fiver dollar and Holden was saying no you said only five and they go back and forth for a while. The girl took the five from Holden wallet and told him to go because she had the money. Marcie got in Holden's face and Holden called him a dirty moron and Marice smacked and punched Holden in stomach. Holden fell to the ground and just laid there for a while and acted like he was dying and crawled to the bathroom and had fantasy that he got shot and that he was bleeding and he went down stairs with his gun and shot him and killed him and then called Jane and left just like movies. He woke up next day around ten and he gave old Sally a call no asked her if just wanted to go to a Benifit and she did so they were going to meet at Biltmore at two. Holden took stairs down to lobby checked out and got into cab to go to grand centeral station where he went to cafe to have breakfast. He goes in there sits down and two nuns come and sit down with him. He starts conversation and finds out one is english teacher and other is history. He donated ten dollars and wanted to pay there breakfast but they only excepted the ten dollars and he was so amazed how caring and selfless they are.

Chapter 12-13

In chapter twelve and thirteen Holden goes to a night club called Ernie's where he used to go a lot. Right when he walks in he coplain how everyone gets over excited about him playing when he is just big phony. He didn't want to be alone so he listened to other people's conversation and calls them boring and he runs in Lillian which used to Hang out with his brother DB. She has her boy frind that a navy officer named commander blop or something she was going to sit down and asked Holden if he wanted to go but he lied and said he was just leaving. He walked 41 blocks back to the hotel because he diddnt want to get into another cab and he put on his red hunting hat. Holden says he is yellow but he uses it like he is a coward because when he should do something he dosen't but then says maybe he isn't yellow as if he isn't sure. He says he is lousy and depressed and really bring him self down. Holden finally get to hotel and he gets into hotel and the elevator guy is wondering if he wants a girl 5 dollars for an hour and 15 dollars for three hours. Holden lies about his age and says he is 22 and the guy said ok there will be a girl up there in 15 minutes. He gets to his room and he is nervous because he's a virgin and he tries to give him self a pep talk but it doesn't really work. The girl comes in and she took of her coat and sat in the chair with legs crossed bouncing foot up and down. She took off her green dress and Holden hung it up for her and he felt bad and he just wanted to talk but she didn't so he gave her the five dollar but she said she was worth ten and then she just left.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cather in the Rye Chapters 10-11

In chapters ten and eleven Holden doesn't want to go to bed because he isn't tiered so goes down to the Lavender Room in the hotel. Before he goes he talks about his kid sister, Phoebe and he talks about how pretty and smart she is and how he is the only dumb one out of the family. She is only ten years old and she has long red hair during winter and short red hair during the summer time. Her favorite movie was The 39 steps and he has taken her to go see it ten times and how Allie and him self would take her to the park and she would listen to every conversation and but in to make sure that you knew she was around. Holden finally went down to the Lavender Room and there were three girls all of them were ugly besides the blond one which danced with him first and then after Holden danced with all the girls. The blond was named Bernice and the other two were Marty and Laverne and they were from Washington. He finally leaves and all he could think  was Jane and how close they got together in that one summer. Holdens monther never liked Jane and he only got close one to kissing her on the lips. They were playing checkers and her mothers boyfriend came along and she just started crying so Holden held her and started hissing her every where and they just got up and went into house got her coat and she wanted to go to the movies. He finally stopped thinking about Jane and got into a can and went Ernie's night club.

Catcher in the Rye chapters 8-9

In chapters eight and nine Holden takes a cab to the train station. He then talks about how he usually buys phony magazines but this time he dosent because he sad. A lady gets on train too and sits next to him even though there were tons of empty seats because they were the only two on the train. He says that she is a nice lady and has a good telephone voice and she sees the sticker that says Pence college on his suite case and she asked Holden if he went to that school because her boy did. He said yes and lied about his name he said he was Rudolf Schmidt, that was the janitors name.  Her sons name was Ernest Morrow  and Holden wasn't very fond of him but he lied to Mrs. Morrow any ways saying how popular he was and how everyone liked him. Then she asked why is he going home so early and if something was wrong and of course Holden lies again and  says that its nothing serious he just has a small tumor in his head and she says she wishes him the best of luck and that he should come to her house and hang out. He finally got off at the Penn station and he wanted to call someone but he couldn't figure out anyone to call and he went throght this long list of people and finally decided not to call anyone. So he leaves and gets into a cab and goes to the Edmont Hotel. The bell boy was an old ball mad which was around 65 and he finally gets to room and he looks out and there is a lot of wierdos doing nasty things. He ends up calling this burlesque dancer that he got her number from some guy at a party, Eddie. She couldn't get a drink with him that night so he said he couldn't go any other time so that was a dead end for him.